English Task Page 80

44. A (CALLED)
45. D (IS SEEN)

1. Write a reply to the following letter.
Dear Galang Budiman

Congratulations on the new project that runs successfully about protecting animals. My appreciation of hard work by draining time and mind. I believe that your goal for your team and the community.

Irma Rahmawati

2. Write a dialog using cause and effect sentences.
Aco: excuse me, sir, I'm sorry yesterday I didn't take the online test because I helped my mother sell meatballs and my internet quota ran out, sir.  Can I take the online supplementary test?
Teacher: yes alright.  but next time please pay attention again in dividing the time between studying and helping parents.  this time I understand, next time don't repeat it again.
Aco: yes sir I promise sir
teacher: later at 12 am I share the online test link. 
Aco: yes sir, thank you

3. Rewrite the following text usingpassive voice
     When it rains very hard, the river break their banks, or sewers quickly become overwhelmed, cause by flooding.

4. Change the following active sentences into passive
Passive :
a. Before the strom, floor was cleaned by me.
b. Tomorrow assignment will be completed at this time by us.
c. This issue was brought up by the employees during the meeting.
d. Adittional classes for math will begin next month by our teacher.
e. Starting at ten o'clock you have been waited by Roni.

5. Write an explanation text about a natural phenomenon


 General Statement

             Aurora is a natural phenomenon that resembles a radiant flaming light in the ionosphere layer of a planet.  The name aurora itself was first used by Pierre Gassend, in the 17th century and continued by Galileo Galilei who named the aurora borealis. The aurora that occurred at the north pole was called Aurora borealis, while at the south pole it was called Aurora Australis.  , blue and violet.
 Rows of explanations

             Aurora is caused by the reaction between charged particles from the sun and the magnetosphere. Auroras occur around the poles, because the earth's magnetic field lines from the south pole to the north pole and charged particles from the sun will enter through the ends of the earth's magnetic lines, these particles contain protons and electrons in the form  solar wind, which is increasingly being emitted to the earth when solar storms occur.  But sometimes aurora also appears on the mountaintop of a tropical climate.
             Aurora can also interfere with radio and television waves.  This occurs when points in the atmosphere are disturbed by protons from the sun. The atmosphere no longer holds the signal and reflects it to the earth, but the signal is instead transmitted out of space, so that no signal is received by radio and television.
             Aurora borealis occurs between September, October, March and April. Aurora borealis can be seen in Fairbanks, Alaska, Eastern Canada, Iceland and Northern Scandinavia. Aurora Aurora australis is rarely seen. Aurora australis is seen in Australia and Tasmania in the 11-year cycle of point activity  the sun that once lasted in 2000.
             Not only on Earth, the emergence of auroras also occurred on Mars. The team of researchers from France managed to observe nine auroras in the atmosphere of Mars. Like the aurora formed in the Earth's atsmofer, the light is basically ultraviolet formed when electrically charged particles from the Sun react with  the planet's magnetic field.


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Explanation Text Vs Procedure Text

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Passive voice