Explanation Text Vs Procedure Text

2. Analyze the differences and the similarity of those two texts!

• Equation :

The equation of the explanatory text and the text procedure together explain how to make lemongrass and ginger drink.
 Using conjunction sentences.
Together discuss the completion of making drinks.
 The question begins with the words "How".

• Difference :

There is a difference in the structure of the text. Namely the text of the procedure includes the steps and the material while the explanatory text consists of a general statement (which explains about an event / fact as in the text that is corona virus), and sequential explanation.
 Expansion text explains how something happened. Procedure text explains how to make something.

4. Don't forget to take the photos of your activities steps by steps!
                           "How to Make Sinom"


1. 2 liters of water
2. 75 grams of sinom leaves (sand)
3. 75 grams of Java acid
4. 50 grams of turmeric
5. 100 grams of red sugar
6. 100 grams of sugar sugar


1. Prepare a turmeric that has been cut small, sinom leaves, the destructive red sugar, the aviation of the javanated dishes, and white sugar

2. Enter 2 liters of water (6 glasses) until boil

3. Enter the Sinom leaves, turmeric, Javanese acid, red sugar, and sugar

4. Wait until all the material is mixed

5. Filter before serving

6. Sinom is ready to drink

5.  Write your procedure and explanation texts!

Procedure text:
Title: "How to Make Sinom"

1. 2 liters of water 
2. 75 grams of sinom leaves (sand) 
3. 75 grams of Java acid 
4. 50 grams of turmeric 
5. 100 grams of red sugar 
6. 100 grams of sugar sugar


1. Prepare a turmeric that has been cut small, sinom leaves, the destructive red sugar, the aviation of the javanated dishes, and white sugar
2. 5. Enter 2 liters of water (6 glasses) until boil
3. Enter the Sinom leaves, turmeric, Javanese acid, red sugar, and sugar
4.Wait until all the material is mixed
5.Filter before serving 

6.Sinom is ready to drink

Explanation Text:
Title : "How to Make Sinom"

General statement:
            Sinom means "herbal medicine" made from young leaves or commonly referred to as "the Enom" which means (still young).  Sinom consists of Indonesian special spices namely Turmeric, Tamarind, Sinom Leaves and others.  So let's get a nutritional surgery contained in the contents of this sinom.  In the tamarind itself contained content that includes phosphorus 113 mg, 62.5 grams of charcoal hydrates, 23900 calories, 74 mg calcium, 0.6 grams of fat 2.6 grams of protein 2.6 grams of vitamin A 30 mg, vitamin B1 of 0.34 mg, vitamins  C 2mg and 0.6 mg iron.

              Well, the content in mature tamarind contained in sinom is so diverse that we can calculate approximately any benefit if we drink this herbal medicine.  If there are various kinds of herbs mixed, if they are prepared without preservatives, the sinom expiration period is very short, only around seven days from the time of manufacture.  Tamarind which is one of the secret ingredients of making sinom is useful for expelling bowel movements, cope with menstrual blood pain, making the stomach cool, eliminating vaginal discharge, preventing hair loss, or can also be used to clean items made of brass.

              Sinom acid leaves contain flavonoids that are anti-inflammatory, relieve pain, and help to sweat, acid leaves are also useful to overcome constipation, reduce inflammation and joints decoction of young leaves can be used to relieve coughing and fever.

Sequenced of Explanation :
                First, prepare a turmeric that has been cut small, sinom leaves, the destructive red sugar, the aviation of the javanated dishes, and white sugar. Second, Enter 2 liters of water (6 glasses) until boil. Third, Enter the Sinom leaves, turmeric, Javanese acid, red sugar, and sugar. After that, wait until all the material is mixed. And filter before serving. Finally, sinom is ready to drink.


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